Autumnal Artworks

Enjoy a taste of fall in Oregon with these one-of-a-kind artworks created by local artists. 

Romona Youngquist $ 7,000.00
Linda Workman-Morelli $ 900.00
Linda Hayes $ 120.00
Kelly Howard $ 1,100.00
Linda Hayes $ 145.00
Suzanne Vaughan $ 1,680.00
Suzanne Vaughan $ 1,280.00
Don Bishop $ 650.00
Theresa Andreas-O'Leary $ 375.00
Shari Lord $ 125.00
Kathleen Jones $ 850.00
Shari Lord $ 125.00
Marla Baggetta $ 5,200.00
Cindy Hoskisson $ 50.00
Marla Baggetta $ 4,800.00
Linda Hayes $ 75.00
Linda Hayes $ 90.00
Christine Joy Swanson $ 4,900.00
Brenda Boylan $ 2,750.00
Linda Hayes $ 65.00
Brenda Boylan $ 6,250.00
Don Sprague $ 45.00
Brenda Boylan $ 2,650.00
Brenda Boylan $ 3,750.00
Theresa Andreas-O'Leary $ 400.00
Theresa Andreas-O'Leary $ 4,500.00