Palette of the Willamette

Featuring Oil Paintings by Christine Joy Swanson & Watercolor Paintings by Sarah Joy Silva

October 24th - December 30th, 2023 

Reception: Saturday, November 11th from 2-4pm


On a journey through warming hues of gold to cooling tones of blue, we bring you an exhibition of paintings that showcase the spectrum of colors embracing the Willamette Valley. Immersed in the vibrancy of Northwest Oregon, this latest collection of artworks comes from two local painters: Christine Joy Swanson and Sarah Joy Silva. Through their windows of painterly scenes, in gleaming oil paint and radiant watercolors, you will enter into an enticing exploration of the abundant beauty in the Willamette.
Christine Joy Swanson $ 3,800.00
Sarah Joy Silva $ 250.00
Christine Joy Swanson $ 7,500.00
Christine Joy Swanson $ 1,700.00
Christine Joy Swanson $ 1,700.00
Christine Joy Swanson $ 5,300.00
Sarah Joy Silva $ 240.00
Sarah Joy Silva $ 330.00
Christine Joy Swanson $ 9,500.00
Christine Joy Swanson $ 4,000.00
Christine Joy Swanson $ 1,100.00